I Lost My Best Friend Today:
Dealing with the Loss of a Beloved Pet

Pet loss is devastating. there are ways to help ease your pain.

Dear friend,

I wonder if you can relate to some of the stories in this book…

  • Was the decision to euthanize your pet one of the hardest things you’ve ever done?
  • Do you have an old or terminally ill pet who you cannot stand the thought of losing?
  • Do you find yourself denying the inevitable or wondering how you will ever be able to handle the loss when they are gone?
  • Is your child struggling to understand the death of their pet?
  • Do you wish you could find the words to comfort a grieving friend or family member who lost a beloved pet, but you don’t know what to say to show your support without appearing to trivialize their pain?
  • Did the loss of your animal best friend trigger unhappy memories or unresolved conflicts of loss from years ago?
  • Did you find that you were more upset over losing a pet, than losing a parent or relative?

This anthology of stories honors the beloved pets in our life.

All of the contributors knew their pets were more than just animals… they are our closest friends, constant companions, and integral members of the family.

Each day with our pet is special and brings joy to both the owner and the owned (sometimes it is hard to determine who owns who, don’t you agree?)

No one wants to lose their pet. No one gets an animal anticipating the death of that companion. But the fact is, pets are lost to accidents, disease, old age or they simply wander off and never come home. It’s finding ways to deal with the grief that will help you during the difficult time of losing your best friend.

Read this book, you will be so glad you did.

Client Testimonials

"Judy goes above and beyond to assist her fellow authors and I look forward to working with her as a Life Coach and with my second book! She has a wealth of information and is willing to share!"
Mary Shelton
“Judy Helm Wright is such a blessing to people in the writing community! She is a constant source of encouragement and support to those in the industry, and I always look forward to hearing of her new ventures. I would highly encourage seasoned writers as well as new writers to follow her lead."
Lori Ann Jermoune
"Judy's energy can be felt from afar. I am amazed at how easy it was to get a sense of her and her work. Authentic. And isn't that what we are after? I am delighted to have connected. The future holds many miracles."
Teresa Weybrew