
Happy older people who have successfully written their lifestories
Photos, letters and journals for gathering family stories

I Organized the Mess of Photos, Papers, and Letters,

and You Can Too!


Do you have a pile of old photos, letters, and papers gathering dust in your attic or basement? Do you feel guilty and resentment that no one else is interested in tackling this immense (in your mind) job?


I know how you feel, I felt the same way when I inherited a suitcase full of stuff from my parents. The sad thing is, they may have also inherited a big pile of photos and letters. Then there was also all our stuff from living a full life. 


I was determined not to pass this disorganized mess along to my kids.


The thought of catagrizing these precious memories can feel overwhelming, but I assure you, it’s a task worth undertaking.

 This mountain was going to continue to grow, if I didn’t step up and take charge. With the help of an organized friend, I found a better way to move through the mess and come out sane on the other end.

Truly, I felt like Sir Edmund Hillary standing at the bottom of Mount Everest. The task is so big, and I am almost ready to give up! He persevered and conquered the mountain, and I did too.


As a personal historian, I’ve helped countless individuals transform their chaotic collections into organized, meaningful archives. I’m excited to share a course specifically designed to guide you through this process: “Sift, Sort, Save, Share, Shred.”


By working in “Time Chunks” you can easily accomplish this without spending hours and days or having stuff all over the dining room table for months.


Why Organize?

Organizing your family memorabilia is about more than just tidying up. It’s about preserving your family’s heritage and ensuring that future generations can enjoy and learn from these treasures.

When you take the time to sort through these items, you’re not just decluttering; you’re curating a legacy.

Creating a legacy that family and friends can enjoy now is sooooooo much better than storing the box or suitcase under the bed.


If you don’t do it, who will?