Courses, Coaching, Books, Reports

Now is the time

Don't ignore those nudges from spirit, friends, and family. It's time to start writing your memoir or preserving your family's history and stories. Let us help you create a lasting legacy.
We are a storytelling people.
Sharing stories builds connections, culture, and companionship.

Explore our collection of writing courses, books, tools, and resources to let your inner narrator shine


We all have courses setting on our hard drives that seem overwhelming. We offer transformational ideas and systems to get you where you want to go. You will find short or mid length courses that can move you from idea to finished product. Whatever that product looks like to you. You are also invited to a private Facebook group and an invitiation to connect personally with Judy Helm Wright-Author/PersonalHistorian/ IntuitveWiseWoman


Like peeling an artichoke to get to the heart, life can sometimes open up things that are hard or bitter to deal with. Maybe you need some one-on-one assistance to know what to say in your writing. Or perhaps you want Judy to review your personal narrative and offer suggestions. There is a time for small group coaching and a time for some private conversations. Both are available for you. Yes, this is an investment in your story. But, aren't you worth it? I think so.

Books, Audio, & Video

You will find a selection here to help you wherever you are along life's journey.
It is our goal to assist you in fulfilling your dreams and being inspired to take action. No matter what your learning style (visual, auditory or kensetic) there is a choice for you and yours.

Be sure to get your FREE book and sign up for our occasional newsletter. We will keep you posted, not only about our works but others we think you will enjoy.

Online Reports

We have gathered some amazing and insightful reports and workbooks for you. Others give away "teaser' sheets, hoping you will buy their coaching or mentoring. We made the decision to charge a fair price up front. This honors the wisdom, work and talent of the writer. It also sends a message to you, the reader, that what you have to share with the world is valuable. Some or all of these reports are given freely in courses or classes. Read on and take action.

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Become a storyteller - You will be glad you did!

We all have a lifetime of stories in our memory banks and lessons we would like to leave future generations. This eBook is filled with information, anecdotes, and examples to assist you in gathering the family stories you may not have realized you’ve already written.

About Judy Helm Wright

Hello! Welcome to this exciting journey of sharing your wisdom and capturing family stories for your family’s future generations.


My name is Judy Helm Wright—Author/Personal Historian/Intuitive Wise Woman. I have taught Memoir Writing for 25 years in many communities. What I knew then about how memory works, and what research and life experiences have taught me now – is vastly different. As we explore this exciting calling, you too will benefit from this research and knowledge.

Client Testimonials

"Judy Helm-Wright is a cherished figure in the writing community, known for her encouragement and support. Her balanced approach to life and writing—valuing hard work, passion, and personal time—serves as an inspiration to both new and seasoned writers. Her enthusiasm and structured lifestyle are both refreshing and motivational."
Kathy Means
"Judy goes above and beyond to assist her fellow authors and I look forward to working with her as a Life Coach and with my second book! She has a wealth of information and is willing to share!"
Mary Shelton
“Judy Helm Wright is such a blessing to people in the writing community! She is a constant source of encouragement and support to those in the industry, and I always look forward to hearing of her new ventures. I would highly encourage seasoned writers as well as new writers to follow her lead."
Lori Ann Jermoune
"Judy's energy can be felt from afar. I am amazed at how easy it was to get a sense of her and her work. Authentic. And isn't that what we are after? I am delighted to have connected. The future holds many miracles."
Teresa Weybrew
"What a great presentation. You got all of us inspired to share our stories and listen to others. Since our whole goal is about preserving history, your insight was super helpful."The more personal the story, the more universal the message."
MBN Symposium
This was a very positive workshop. The highlight of the day. I have been feeling the nudge of spirit Judy talked about. It is time for me to gather the stories, before it is too late. I always have some excuse. Maybe I could give up binge watching NetFlix and spend time going through the boxes of photos and papers my grandparents left my parents and my parents left me. I do not want to leave them for my kids."
MBN Symposium
"Thanks for sharing with our membership about the "Red Tent" It was wonderful to see how sharing our stories makes us feel closer to others. I could see how the women were amazed to see that their story was not unique but yet personal. So much isolation and loneliness right now, it is great to make connections that really care.."
Kathy, Women's Club
FAQ's About Memoir Writing

What is a Life story?

Each of us has a story to tell. The experiences, lessons, trials, and triumphs we have encountered can enrich the lives of those we love and many who will never know us personally.

Why should I write a memoir?

Writing a memoir allows you to preserve your memories, share your experiences with others, and gain insight and understanding into your own life story. It can also be a therapeutic and cathartic process.

When should I begin?

You should start writing your memoir whenever you feel ready to share your memories and experiences. There’s no specific age or timeline – if you have a story to tell, start writing whenever you’re inspired to do so.